Become our newest member
Here are just a few great reasons to join VantageOne Credit Union:
We’ve got it all
We offer every financial service you need, including banking, investment and planning services, loans, mortgages, insurance and small business banking services.
We’re a local business
Our ‘head office’ isn’t in a far-off skyscraper. It’s right here in Vernon. The people who govern and run our credit union live in the Okanagan and love this area as much as you do. Decisions are made locally and quickly.
You’re the boss
As a member, you have a vote and a say in how your business is run, how your profits are invested, and who represents you on our Board of Directors.
When we succeed, you succeed
When you join us, you become a member and an owner of a successful, caring company. A percentage of any profit we make is shared with the people that matter the most – you and the people who live in our communities.
Grassroots goodness
Given the choice, a growing number of people want a financial partner that’s both profitable and compassionate. If this sounds familiar, VantageOne is the financial partner for you.
We make it easy to switch
If you’d like to join VantageOne but don’t want the hassle of closing other accounts, not to worry. Switching to an extraordinary way of banking is as easy as visiting any branch or calling 888-339-8328.
Become our newest member today
- join online
- come into any branch
- call 1.888.339.8328
Have questions or need more information? Chat with us, e-mail us or give us a call