The 2024 VantageOne Credit Union Annual General
will be held in-person and online May 22, 2024 at 7:00PM

Every year we invite Members to attend our Annual General Meeting in order meet with their Board of Directors and review the financial highlights from the previous year. This is a great opportunity to engage with and ask questions directly to your board, as well as learn more about VantageOne Credit Union. Procedures for our AGM and the meeting link will be posted below soon along with the 2024 Annual Report.

Michelle Sinclair, Board Chair, Glenn Benischek, CEO, and Tyler Neels of Grant Thornton will present our 2023 results as outlined in the 2023 Annual Report.
Join us for an economic update by Bryan Yu, Chief Economist at Central 1 Credit Union.

If you have any questions regarding the AGM, please send it to

In Person

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 @ 7:00 pm
Prestige Hotel, 4411 32nd Street, Vernon
Registration begins at 6:30 pm



Not able to join us in-person?
This year we are hosting a hybrid meeting.
Join us online.


How do you know I am a member?
Upon registering to attend the AGM you will be asked to enter your:  

First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Account Number

Our technology partner will verify each member’s eligibility to participate in the meeting. Please note that guests will not be admitted to our AGM this year.

 Who is an eligible member? One who:

  • was a member as at March 22, 2023
  • has purchased, paid for and holds at least $25 of Class A Membership Equity Shares
  • is not a junior member
  • has maintained at least one account that has had activity anytime in the 12 months prior to the date on which good standing is determined
  • is not more than 30 days in arrears in any obligation with VantageOne Credit Union.

Virtual AGM Privacy and Security
The safety of your personal information is important to us. During virtual meetings and events, we use the Zoom platform. Zoom has enhanced security features to ensure meetings are secure.

To read more about Zoom and their commitment to Privacy and Security Compliance, detailed information can be obtained from Microsoft at

How do I ask a question during the AGM?
Members will be able to utilize the chat box in Zoom to ask their questions. The chat will be monitored throughout the meeting and questions brought forward from our moderator.  


What application is being used to host the AGM?
Zoom is being used that allows our members to participate in the AGM. Please click here for tips on using Zoom.  


What kind of computer do I need to participate in the AGM?
Virtually any home computer, tablet or mobile phone with an internet browser and a good connection to the internet may be used to participate in the AGM. Most versions of popular internet browsers (e.g. Google ChromeApple Safari, Mozilla Firefox) will work.