Contest: Sign up for Mobile Alerts!

Stay informed – Get Alerts!
Further enhance the security of your account with VantageOne Mobile Alerts! Alerts are an easy way to keep track of your money and protect your accounts. Use them to receive automatic notifications by text or email when certain events happen or when changes are made to your online banking account.

It’s Free!
We do not charge you for this service but please check with your cellphone provider if you are not sure if text messages are included with your plan.

Learn more about the types of Alerts you can add here.


  1. Sign up for Mobile Alerts by March 31st at 5pm
  2. Already signed up? That’s great, you are automatically entered in our draw!
  3. Three random winners will be drawn for 3 x $100 gift cards to Best Buy. Winners will be notified by April 8th

Set up mobile alerts in just 3 minutes, and get notified of any changes made to your VantageOne account. It’s that easy!